Monday, November 2, 2009

Premature Yankee MVP Honors

I know it might be premature, but I can’t help it…

Quietly, my all-time favorite player and all around mench, Derek Jeter deserves World Series MVP honors, once again! This guy is a money player, Yankee Captain, and all around incredible talent on and off the field; let’s look at the numbers:

He leads the team in the World Series and in the playoffs in batting average, batting a jaw dropping .412 in the World Series against the best pitching in baseball. He leads the team with 7 hits with 2 doubles. Only one other player, Hideki, is batting higher with .500 but he has had 4 at bats, going 2 for 4 with 2 home runs… Derek has had 17 plate appearances and has scored a team high 3 runs so far.

The only other two players that I would consider for MVP are:

Of course Mariano Rivera, check this out:
In three games he has a 0.00 ERA, He has saved 3 out of the 4 games 2 of which were real nail biters and having to go two innings in game 2 and has been unbelievable under pressure, btw last night we saw the value of Mariano when, Lidge, the philly "closer" blew the game.

And the other, believe it or not Jorge Posada, and this is why: He has been great behind the plate, in particular last nite, basically guiding CC and the other pitchers thru the game. He has a team leading 5 RBI’s, 3rd in Hits with 4 hits, and is batting .308 in the World Series.

BTW: if you look at the old core of JETER, PETITE, MARIANO, POSADA, you quickly realize that they are STILL doing it after 13 years and without them, we are not a Championship team.

Honorable mention:
CC Sabathia – going on short rest, but I have a problem giving the MVP to a starter
A- Rod, although he has been hitting a quiet .143 he has been absolutely clutch coming through at the right times for his team making him a most valuable player candidate!

Let me know your thought!

Go Yankees.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Karl Marx Predicted It!

Now, I am not a communist nor socialist (not that there is anything wrong with that). I do feel that private property is as innate to man as eating and drinking. But...elements of Socialism, community, global and social resposibilty could and should be incorporated into our American version of Capitalism and we would all be better off for it (even if it meant a bit more taxes, btw, Americans pay the lowest tax out of all 1st world western nations).

I was at a Greek Fest at my Son's school and a friend handed me this quote that he received via email. I read it and said, "ok, you have just summarized our current situation, so what?" He then proceeded to tell me that the quote was written about 100 years ago, by Karl Marx!

It seems Karl Marx knew a thing or two about the causes of banking crises:

"Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalised, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism"

Karl Marx, Das Kapital, 1867

Now you tell me if the dude was spot on or what?

For the sake of accuracy, let me say that I have not done any research or verification as to the authenticity of this quote. I did do a google search (Karl Marx debt) and I found another site, with the above quote also attributing it to Karl Marx. There were some comments on the site stating that it is not an exact Marx quote. Either way it's a very clear and concise summary of the malaise we are currently in. I am not sure the road we are now on will lead us to Communism, but certainly, there is a need for much more oversight, and resposibility in our markets. The quote is interesting and if it was spoken 100 years ago, it's all the more impressive.